Can you believe we’re already a week deep into 2024? I hope this first Sunday gave you a gentle start and that you’re ready for some söndagsmys. See, I’d like to invite you to one of my favourite corners of this world. Isn’t it beautiful here under my tree? Sir Bear made this space for me so I would have a place to contemplate our stories, reflect on whatever life throws our way, and enjoy the simple joys of being.

I like to sit here and work on something I call Linn’s Lore. It’s a diary of sorts, but nothing like the Ship’s Log I keep as the Captain of the Resilience. No, my Lorebook is personal, sometimes even private, and it’s where I can be myself and talk about my life as a spoonie author. Where I can dream, plan, and deep-dive into as many rabbit holes as I like in search of inspiration and knowledge. Today, I’ve got a nice pot of tea and a gorgeous apple cake, and I was thinking we could share them and have a chat about new beginnings, New Year’s resolutions, and the delicate universe we have created here in the space between dreams and reality.

New Year’s resolutions – they’re a bit like a double-edged sword, aren’t they? One side whispers, nay sings, of new beginnings and transformation. The other speaks, rather bluntly, of past failures and resolutions unfulfilled. As someone living with the daily complexities of chronic illness, I’ve learned to view resolutions not as rigid goals, but as my North Star, gently illuminating a path that’s kind to both my aspirations and realities. And I’ve also taught myself that resolutions don’t have to be chores. You can add as many fun and uplifting things as you like – it’s your list!


This year, after a few years of only picking a single goal, I’ve boldly set my sights on a whole constellation of them. Well, why the heck not, I thought to myself when I sat here chewing the back of my pen. I’ve had the same goal for so long and now that things are beginning to pick up speed I feel like it’s sink-or-swim time. Some of my goals are private, but of the ones I can share, each one is shining its own light on us. In 2024, my goals are to:

Double My Writer’s Income: This is a challenge, for sure, and it may sound like a shallow one at that, but hear me out. I’ve not been able to talk about this before, and I’m not going into detail today, but the long and short of it is that 2023 was the first year I made a small sum of money in book royalties. My primary goal is for our stories to reach more hearts and minds, but my secondary goal is to build something that can help me sustain an independent lifestyle as a disabled author. I am frugal and I don’t need much, so I believe this is a SMART goal.

Release 12 New Books: Some stories are waiting to be told, others are waiting to be edited, and I have been a pretty ynklig pet for most of 2023. This year something’s gotta give and I have to believe we will find a way out of here. I write with my Sir Bear. All my stories are his and all his stories are mine. In this world we have created we are one. Between us, 12 books (four of mine, four of his, and four from the Libertalia pipeline) should not be an unreasonable goal, but it all hinges on goal number 3.

Move Into a New Home: The Resilience is my spiritual home, and my heart has found a home in a sweet and very protective Sea Bear. However, as much as I love me ship and me Quartermaster, I do need a place to stay on this peculiar island that has been my home for the past two decades. This is yet another topic I’ve not been able to talk about, but you better believe I’m like a pressure cooker inside and shit wants out.

Focus on Health and Well-being: I need to see a dentist, I need new glasses, and I need to continue the work to find out what’s going on in my stomach. I need to get my meds sorted, and I really need to find a way to get some fresh air on a regular basis. It may not sound as much, but each of these smaller goals is a huge step towards an improved standard of living.

Listen to an Audiobook/Week: I don’t know if this one needs any further explanations, really. I will try to review at least half of them and I’ve made some templates to make it easier to post about it on my socials. For the longest time, I’ve been so bad at posting reviews that it’s almost shameful, but we’ll try to do better this year. I actually have the first short one ready to go. A solid 3-star read that I would love to share with my sidekick later this year.

Get My Crafting Back On: I can’t even begin to explain how much I miss my craft stash. It was boxed up for the better part of last year and it still is. Another reason I desperately need a new home. Sure, impending homelessness is a bigger concern, but sweet baby Fenrir I miss the creative process, the meditative headspace, and the joy of seeing my work find homes in other people’s lives.

Cook and Eat: I can’t even remember when I last cooked something, because of reasons, and I can’t tell you how badly I want to try new foods. Every flavour is a story and there are so many I need to consume. I have this dream, and yes this is more of a dream than a goal, but I would really love to be able to cook with my keeper again. Imagine if I got a new home that was accessible. Imagine a kitchen I could get in and out of. Imagine rooms I could get in and out of! I don’t have much ork on the best of days, but maybe, if we started small, I could…

Get Some Fresh Air: We don’t have it in London, but the dream is to move north and rumour has it people can breathe up there. After close to four years locked up in COVID isolation (yes, some of us are still shielding!) even a quick gulp of fresh air each day to remind myself of the world’s vast beauty is something I dream of. And maybe this is the year it will be possible.

Do Something Fun Each Day: This is something of a mantra for me. I am a firm believer in mys, fun, love and faith as the four cornerstones of life. I am blessed in that I get to do the things I love and enjoy every day, but the goal for this year is to do more things I haven’t done before, and more things I’ve not been able to do for a long time.


As a spoonie author, these goals are meant to lift my spirits and improve my quality of life. They are also my acts of defiance against the constraints of chronic illness and disability. Each day I write, each story I tell, is a testament to my resilience. To the power of my Resilience. In sharing this personal journey with you, I hope I can give you more than just a glimpse of my world. I would very much like to be the person who can hold up a mirror where you can see the reflection of your own resilience.

🤍 If you are a normie who loves to read and/or write, I welcome you to step aboard my ship and sail into the vast unchartered waters we’ll be exploring this year with me.

🤍 If you are a spoonie who loves to read and/or write, I welcome you to enter the vast parallel universe of the unwell with me. You can board my ship and move freely between our worlds.

🤍If you don’t like to read and/or write, you are still welcome to my fikastunder here in this Sunday sanctuary of mine.


Efter 25 år som anonym amatörbloggare på olika plattformar startade jag en sida där jag framför allt skrev om personlig och professionell utveckling; om att våga satsa på sina drömmar; och om hur man tar sig vidare i livet när allt känns hopplöst.

Ambitionen var då som nu att bloggen skulle vara en källa till inspiration, motivation, livslust och glädje. Genom att varva historier baserade på mitt yrkes- kunnande och min livserfarenhet försöker jag även närma mig svårare ämnen som (o)hälsa, psykisk & fysisk identitet, funkisfenomen, kreativitet, nördighet, normer, utanförskap, livsglädje och dödslängtan.

Som nybliven proffsbloggare tar jag mer än gärna emot all hjälp jag kan få, och det jag behöver mest av allt är hjälp att utvidga min läsekrets. Jag vet att det kan vara svårt att få följare att hänga med från gratisportalerna till en privat domän, men med din hjälp kanske vi kan bjuda hit tillräckligt många för att Google och de andra sökmotorerna ska börja känna igen mig.

När du läser, delar, gillar, kommenterar, följer och prenumererar blir jag galet glad och tacksam. Då jobbar jag bättre och det blir många fler blogginlägg skrivna. Bra va?

Whoever you are, whatever path led you here today, let’s step, roll, or jump into this new year together. May this be a place where our stories can intertwine, where our dreams can get a voice, and where, despite the challenges ahead of us, we can continue to create our own reality, one word, one breath at a time.

Until we meet again, may your days be filled with mys, love, fun, and faith.

Love always,



If you found something that resonated with you in my words, I have more where they came from. You can have my lore, tales from the realm of Ulfrheim and beyond delivered straight to your inbox. By signing up for my newsletter, you’ll not only get a regular dose of stories, insights, and updates, but you’ll also get an invitation to become a cherished member of our growing community of lovers of books and bookish things aboard my mighty pirate ship, Resilience.

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